Relics of Sri Aurobindo – a clarification

The spiritual significance of Sri Aurobindo’s Relics cannot be expressed in words. “...the Relics are not a mere memento. Relics are the living Presence of Sri Aurobindo, imbued with the light and force of his lifelong sadhana, just as an atom contains an infinite power in itself — this is the truth behind the Relics.”1

The Relics of Sri Aurobindo have been preserved at the Ashram as per clearly laid down guidelines. Whenever it is deemed appropriate, these Relics are handed over from Sri Aurobindo’s Room to authorised custodians adhering to procedures given by the Mother.

It is imperative that the names of the custodians, location and other details, the process of carrying the Relics and their enshrinement meet with the prior approval of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust.

The Mother has never given the Relics (in the proper sense of the word) to any individual nor has She ever authorised anyone to further pass on such Relics to anyone else. If anyone is in possession of such Relics, it must be clearly understood that these were meant for that specific custodian alone and no one else. If such custodians feel unable, for any reason, to continue keeping them with due sanctity, at the agreed place, they may hand them back to the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Any departure from the above whether by current custodians or those seeking to receive Relics would be going against the guidelines given by the Mother. Sri Aurobindo Ashram neither gives assent to such an act, nor would it be responsible for any such occurrence.


1 Nirodbaran: Divinity’s Comrade, p. 216-217